sábado, 2 de enero de 2010


Hasta que Squire se digne a entrevistarme...
1. What is your name and whats your blog name if you have one?
Antonio Gamboa a.k.a. Tony Rocky Horror a.k.a. Lord Horror and the blog's We The Warriors

2. Where do you live? City, State? if you could live anywhere where would it be?
Madrid, Madrid, Málaga, París or Berlín

3. Where do you work? whats your job title? Do you love your Job?
Ignition K, Art Director (Trainee), absolutly YES

4. If you could work anywhere or do anything what would it be?
I'll be the director of Art Warriors

5. What are you reading right now?
"Los Mitos Cthulhu" by Lovecraft, "Music is my Mistress" by Duke Ellington and "Poesía Completa" by Poe... I know, I know...

6. What are you listening to?
Waterpumpee With Anthony B (Waanback 2002) by Seeed

7. Guilty pleasure?
A lot of 'em, like watching zombie b-movies while i take a bath and drink some whiskey

8. Name your TV shows:
South Park, Cuarto Milenio, The Office, The Simpsons, Futurama, How I met your mother, Carnivale...

9. What is one thing you do everyday?
Think about a design

10. How did you find Our blog?
Through Iván Stinky

11. What do you like to do for fun?

Drawin'! Taking photos or just sit and talk with my friends.

12. do you have twitter? lets be twitter friends!
Yep! @theartwarriors

13. What was your favorite gift that you gave or recieved this year?
I didn't receive much gifts this year, but I guess a postcard by my girl is the best one!

14. Whats on your bed side table?
Cups, books and dvds...

Y a continuación mis discos preferidos de este año;

Y esto es lo que más he oído según Last.fm

Lord Horror

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